How Does Hypnosis Work?
“Even after thousands of hours of client sessions, I still gain great satisfaction from seeing clients using hypnosis to achieve their goals and making the changes they deserve.”
– Raymond Elias. BSc(Hons) CHt, MHt.
Ask yourself this question;
Is there something in my life over which I feel I have lost control?
Then ask yourself;
Do I want to gain back control over that part of my life?
By using hypnosis you will be able to use the power of your mind to make the changes you want and deserve.


Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Chronic Pain

Pre & Post Operative

Fear and Phobias

Stop Smoking
Frequently Asked Questions…
Will Hypnosis Work for Me?
The vast majority of normal people can allow themselves to be hypnotized. If you have a strong enough desire for change in certain aspects of your life, hypnosis can aid you in making those changes. The results are usually readily evident and can often occur in a short time frame.
How Does Hypnosis Work?
Is Hypnosis Safe?
Can I Get Stuck In Hypnosis?
Can I Be Made To Bark Like A Dog?
Raymond Elias, BSc CHt
Clinical Hypnosis Practitioner
- Member of the National Guild of Hypnotists
- Certified hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner
- Over sixteen years of clinical experience
“I view hypnotherapy from a down-to-earth scientific point of view. This rational, logical approach, I believe gives my clients a well grounded basis from which they can make the changes they desire. Please see the specialties for more details of my work. Hypnotherapy can offer great results as a stand alone therapy as well as being used as a complimentary process in conjunction with numerous healing modalities.”
What My Clients Have to Say…
– Brian C. Toronto, Ont.
My fear of mice was getting so bad I would not go to restaurants if the washroom was in the basement. I would make sure that any reservations were near the door in case I had to run out. I realized it was begining to affect other areas in my life. I had one hypnosis session and my phobia was really reduced. About a month after the session I had no signs of any bad reaction at all.
Get a Free Consultation
Click below to arrange a half hour complimentary consultation to find out how you can use hypnosis to improve your life.